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gvSIG-Desktop 1.9. New functionalities

by Victor Acevedo last modified 2010-10-29 14:58

Layer information


You can find information about the current raster layer through the option "Raster Properties", which shows a dialog with multiple tabs containing information about the raster layer. To get information about the layer, click the tab "Information".

The "Raster Properties" dialog can be accessed in two ways: by right-clicking on the raster layer in the Table of Contents or through the raster properties icon in the toolbar:


Raster Properties icon

Here, set the left button to Raster Layer and select the option Raster Properties from the pull-down button on the right. Make sure that the name of the raster layer for which you want to see information is displayed as current layer in the text box.

The Information tab of the Raster Properties window shows general information about the raster layer. Since a layer can consist of multiple files with the same geographic extension, you can choose the file for which you want to see information from the pull-down tool on the bottom of the "Information" tab window. The information is divided in thematic blocs with a header in bold letters indicating the bloc theme.

The bloc Dataset information shows the name of the file, disk size, width and height in pixels, data format (file extension), whether it is georeferenced, the number of bands and the data type.

The bloc Geographic coordinates shows the georeferencing information of the layer as well as the pixel size.

The bloc Origin will show an entry for each band in the file. For every band you can see the data type, the colour interpretation and the value that is assigned to NoData pixels. The colour interpretation of a band is important for the display on screen. If a band has an interpretation such as Red, this means that gvSIG will interpret this band to be displayed as the red band in RGB visualization. This colour interpretation will be used as default for the displaying of the image. A band may have the following types of representations: Red, Green, Blue, Gray, Undefined or Alpha. The NoData information associated with the band will not be taken into account when processing the image, and the NoData values can be shown as transparent if needed (see the section "NoData values").

The bloc Projection will show the projection information of the layer, if available. The representation format is WKT.

The bloc Metadata will show metadata information from the image header if available.


Raster Properties. Metadata

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